Get your hands on a Streamkey!

With the popular demand from content creators looking to stream on, we’ve put together Theta Tryouts as a way for our community to find new creators to join our content creator roster.

We’ll be incorporating Theta Tryouts into Creator Celebration Day on August 13. Click the link below to learn more about the event.

How it Works

1. Stream on Theta EdgeCast During Theta Tryouts

The community will be taking a look at EdgeCast streamers during Theta Tryouts. Get your Edgecast setup for your tryout! Make sure to connect your EdgeCast stream to your channel. 

2. Theta Staff will be Granting Streamkeys!

Members of the Theta Staff will be allocated a limited amount of Streamkeys during the tryouts. Streamkeys will be granted to Theta channels that are live on the Theta EdgeCast

Keep an eye out for Staff in your chat as they will be trying to get to know you, your content, and your community better. 

3. Spread the Word about Your Theta Tryout!

We’ll be finding out which channels to check out via #ThetaTryouts on Twitter / discord / etc. Make sure that you and your viewers share the word so that members of the Theta community can find your channel. Use the template below to easily make an image to promote your tryout!

Video Submissions

From the feedback about our previous Theta Tryouts, we’ve heard that many of you wanted to participate but weren’t available during the event day. Also, we understand that some of you out there are mainly streamers and prefer creating video content. To accommodate for more creators, we’ll be accepting VODs on as another way to participate in Theta Tryouts. 

We are looking to increase the weekly video upload limit for creators who upload quality original content during Theta Tryouts, and grant Streamkeys to creators who would be a great fit for our streamer community. We do recommend that you submit a VOD and participate in the live streaming event (if available) to increase the likelihood for us to see your content. 

Here are the steps to get your videos considered for Theta Tryouts: 

1. Make Your Video

Prepare a video that best represents you and your content. We welcome a variety of the content on 

If you are interested in a Streamkey, please let us know at some point during your video.  

2. Upload the Video to

All users can upload at least one video a week to Upload your video and make sure to use the “Theta Tryouts” tag when you upload it. 

2. Share Your Video with Us On Social Media

We’ll be finding out which videos to check out via #ThetaTryouts on Twitter / discord / etc. Make sure that you and your viewers share the word so that members of the Theta community can find your video!