Getting Started

Welcome to the community

We hope you enjoy your time as a part of our global community who come together each day to watch and create their own entertainment.

Watch. Interact. Support.


Viewers on are the foundation of our platform. Feel free to browse our expanding roster of creators to find someone you enjoy watching. streamers are exclusively chosen to be on the platform, and we hope you find a streamer that you can connect with.


Chatting, following, and participating in streamers giveaways are all great ways to engage with streamers and earn channel xp. Interacting with streamers is a great way to make the most of your experience on our platform. Who knows, you might even make a new friend!


By watching and using the platform, you will be earning a cryptocurrency called TFuel for free! You can use this TFuel to support streamers on through donations and subscriptions.  This is a great way to say thank you for the entertainment streamers provide.

Want to be a Streamer?

Moving to a new platform is scary. It's like moving to a new town... you don't know anybody!

THETA’s warm and welcoming community will make you feel right at home from the first moment you activate your golden stream key on the blockchain. Both you and your viewers immediately become a meaningful part of THETA’s Global Network, which utilizes unused internet upload bandwidth and rewards TFuel automatically as you stream and/or watch.

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