Hello Streamer #32

Welcom to Hello Streamer issue #32

 In this issue we have shuffleman, SamuraiStyleTV, GKFamilyFarm, and SabsDrawart 

Message from shuffleman

“i like to stream to help. my aim to help people with there confident and more  if there want to start live streaming or something else there want to do. i want to help people to feel better and i do have a speech problem so i feel like that dose help with people to open up

Consoles most used

Stream Schedule
mostly weekday and weekend sometime

Social Media

Message from SamuraiStyleTV

“My name is Noah and I’m both a gamer and a musician; vocalist in World Of Pain (BDHW Rec) and drummer in a handful of hardcore/metal bands over the years. I’m a straight up 90s kid with a love for both vintage and modern FPS. Fellow gamers, musicians, fans and everyone in-between, let’s P-A-R-T-Y!

Consoles most used

Stream Schedule
Turn on those stream alerts because you never know when I’m going LIVE! I don’t have a set schedule, but typically you’ll find me during the evening (PST) 🙂


Social Media

Message from GKFamilyFarm

“We are a father and son duo we care about helping others thru our family farm and my son has a dream to be a popular streamer someday. We play alot of different games but Apex and COD Zombies are our favorite. We like play Gang Beast alot together for laughs!!!

Consoles most used
XBOX ONE, PS4 and PC very soon.

Stream Schedule
After home school classes for son and after work for dad.

Social Media

Message from SabDrawsArt

“I am a streamer who does Art, Animation and Gaming! I stream almost daily!

Consoles most used

Stream Schedule
Daily at 6:30am PST

Social Media

How can I be part of Hello Streamer as a Streamer?
Streamers are selected at random or other users/streamers have recommended. You may also sign up by filling out our form, however, you must be in our Community Discord to find the form.

What do I need to do to get Limited Edition Emotes?
All you need to do is tune in to any of the 3 channels, when they’re live, and chat in their channel! If the streamer deems you worth of being chatty they will reward you with an emote crate

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