Hello Streamer #21

Welcom to Hello Streamer issue #20

 In this issue we have Skadoosh4, Altexdnb, Dale and zombiePwnr08

Message from MemeMafia

“Hey guys ! 27 year’s old, I did 7 years active duty security forces for the AirForce and was recently Medically Retired. I absolutely love entertaining people and most of all bringing laughter to situations ! I’m a variety streamer for sure, and will play a little bit of everything and switch games often, I vibe off chat and how im feeling at the time. I have also lived all around the world, including the Philippines for 3 years, Thailand, and Korea. I enjoy sharing adventure/Life stories so feel free to ask away on any questions you may have in stream!”
Consoles most used
Stream Schedule

I do a split, my mid-day stream starts around noon and ends anywhere from 2-6 hours later, then I get on about 8PM for my late night stream which can go up to 3AM.
Social media
Message from Parag0n

“I’m Paragon! I’m 37 years old, a father, and I love FPS games”

Consoles most used

Stream Schedule

Monday through Friday 6:30pm PST – 10:30pm PST

Social media

Message from JaYmZ

“I’m a 20 years old French Canadian streamer who loves gaming with friends and just hang out for a while! I mainly stream CSGO at the moment, but I also love doing “Just Chatting” streams and random party games with the viewers! Also love Graphic Design (did 2 years of college), graffitis (legal ones only!) and vibing with my boys ✌️”

Consoles most used

Stream Schedule

Every 2 days or so.. always from 3h EST to 12h EST

Social media

Message from Gee

“15, LGBTQ+ supporter, very friendly and interactive :3 enjoy playing games such as OW and other FPS along with Genshin Impact. Looking to make new friends and expand my community.”

Consoles most used
Stream Schedule

weekdays after 1:30pm PST, weekends 12pm PST – 12am PST (aslong as internet allows, getting fixed 10/20)

Social media

Discord: Gee#7678
How can I be part of Hello Streamer as a Streamer?

Streamers are selected at random

The community may also suggest streamers to the program! If you would like to suggest a streamer, please make sure you join our Discord

What do I need to do to get Limited Edition Emotes?

All you need to do is tune in to any of the 3 channels, when they’re live, and chat in their channel!

If the streamer deems you worth of being chatty they will reward you with the emote!
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