Do you remember staying up to catch your favorite anime on Toonami? Looking for your next series to binge? Now you can watch ANIME 24/7! Come check out the new channel for endless anime content. ConTVAnime

Watch Party Event


Looking for some people to watch Anime with? Got the urge to show off your Anime knowledge? Tune in on October 14th 2pm PST, to see some of your favorite cartoons in action with the community and THETAtv staff!

ConTVAnime Channel


Looking for a fun activity to do with your community? For any streamer who wants to participate in the event, message TV on the THETAtv discord to be added to the Anime watch party tag! Those who participate in the event will get front page while watching the ConTVAnime channel. When you are done viewing simply raid the ConTVAnime channel and let TV know you are done.

Anime Quiz

Do you think you have what it takes to be the true Anime master? Test your knowledge in this quiz below and try to beat 75%. Those who can reach this score will receive a badge and be considered the true master of the Anime.

Anime Quiz Results!

Congratulations to our 4 winners for getting 20/20 on the anime quiz! Keep an eye out in your inventory for a small prize.

Skylorddeath, GraemeL, DaN0mic, and OrieMarie


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