Hello Streamer #17

Welcom to Hello Streamer issue #17!

This week we have Iceman and vLiKeAbOsSv!

About vLiKeAbOsSv

Hey i'm vLiKeAbOsSv a co-founder of Amateur Hour which is a small Theta based community. Communities are important to me and i love meeting new people, the few months I've been on theta i can honestly say you guys and girls are amazing for putting up with my sub par Destiny game play and my weird laugh.
I mostly play destiny on stream and have been playing destiny for a good 6 years now. To the community that pop by everyday and stick around i truly thank you. <3

Oh and chat once donated to dye my hair....
come join the fun

Social media

When do they stream?

Mostly after 7.30-8pm GMT most days till late

What Consoles do you stream on the most?
Xbox & some PC

About Iceman

Just a 17 year old looking to play some games and maybe make you laugh. I'm really only good at FPS games but I always like to jump into whatever game my friends are playing.

Social media

When do they stream?

I try to stream whenever I can but usually I will be streaming any day from 1pm to 12am

What Consoles do you stream on the most?
PC and sometimes VR