
Valentines Day Community Update

To wrap up the wonderful LOVE WEEK event, we thought it would be fitting to give you all an update about what we are doing in the community as well as some things to look forward in the future.

In this post we will be covering the following:

1. Regular Community Events (inspired by Love Week)
2. Community and Streamer Guidelines: Updates and upholding
3. Report a Streamer Feature
4. Community Discussion

Regular Community Events (inspired by Love Week)

From taking a look at the success of Love Week, we will continue to regularly support streamers interested in hosting an event for the community.

This has been a great way for us to support and highlight streamers of all sizes as they host engaging events to help their communities grow. We will be making some tweaks to the event calendar and proposal process in the future, but please checkout page link below if you are interested in seeing the calendar or what to submit an event idea of your own:

Community and Streamer Guidelines: Updates and Upholding

As we strive to nurture a positive community at, we have taken another look at our Community and Streamer guidelines and how we enforce them.

Here are changes made to our guidelines pages:

Community Guidelines 
- Added mention that these rules apply to EVERY user on
- Added section about Payment Fraud and Chargebacks

Streamer Guidelines
- Added section about Consumption of Alcohol and Substances
- Added clause stating that each report is handled on a case by case basis
- Added the following note in the harassment section

Please note that at no point is it justified to harass ANY member of the community. This includes staff, admins, viewers, mods, sponsors,  and / or anyone else involved in the community.

Please take a moment to review our Streamer and Community guidelines. We are vigilant about holding these guidelines in the community. If you wish to be a part of the community, please be mindful of these guidelines that are in place.

We've been able to amend, update, and clarify many of these guidelines thanks to the input from members of the community. Feel free to let us know if you have any feedback about the guidelines.

Report a Streamer Feature

Today we have added the feature to report a streamer directly on their channel. Click the 3 dots on the bottom right of the stream to find the Report a Streamer Button. When reporting a streamer you MUST leave a reason. Please be descriptive as possible if you are reporting a streamer.

Disciplinary action will be taken on accounts that submit false reports / spam reports / or brigade others in reporting a streamer.

Community Discussion

We really appreciate those who have been contributing to our Community Discussion so far. This has been a great way for us to take an objective look as we continue to develop the platform. Please feel free to join the discussion if you want clarification about features, have a concern you want to bring up, or even just want to bounce around some ideas to improve the community and platform.

Thanks for taking the time to read through this update. Hope you had a great Valentines Day week.

See you in the streams.

Josh (Salt)

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